Join RSCDS San Francisco Branch

The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society San Francisco is an affiliated branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society (RSCDS), a world wide non profit organization based in Scotland. The society has more than 20,000 members in over 160 branches through out the world and has been preserving, promoting and developing Scottish dance and music since the early 1900s. By joining the RSCDS San Francisco Branch you will become part of this global family and can enjoy the many benefits locally and abroad. If you are already a member of another RSCDS Branch you can become a member of San Francisco as a second branch.

Benefits of Membership
  • Reduced admission to all branch events and workshops.
  • Latest issues of the online version of the Reel and Strathspeyper (R&S); the branch bimonthly newsletter
  • 10% discount on RSCDS online store.
  • Member login to the RSCDS website and access of exclusive resources, branch directory and social calendar
  • Subscription of bi-annual ’Scottish Country Dancer’ magazine. – Receive eNews and announcements from the branch.
  • The annual directory of branch members (Application due by August 27 for inclusion)
  • The Branch Members’ Handbook for new members (one time only) – Eligible to vote in elections in May if you have joined the branch at least 2 months before the Annual General Meeting
  • Eligible to apply for branch scholarships
  • RSCDS worldwide society membership with a society membership card
Membership Application for New Member

If you prefer to pay by check, please print and complete the application form below and send with your check ( made payable to RSCDS – SF Branch) to:

the Branch Registrar Gary Thomas 1097 Guaymas Court, Santa Rosa CA 95401. Questions: email or call 707-235-5423.