Royal Scottish Country Dance Society San Francisco Branch

Done some dancing before and in need of some fun, exercise and entertainment? Check out our weekly evenings of social Scottish Country Dancing classes in the Bay Area.

Looking for fun activities for kids? Scottish Country Dancing offers classes for youth ages 7 and up! An activity that the whole family can enjoy together locally and around the world

Valentine’s Ball Feb 8
Featured Devisor Class Feb 22
March Monthly Party Tea Dance Mar 1
April Monthly Party Tea Dance Apr 5
May Monthly Party May 3
June Monthly Party June 7
Beginners’ Ball June 14
Scottish country dancing is known for its lively and energetic nature, and it is a popular activity at social gatherings
Scottish country dancing has particular advantages over many other forms of dance. The steps and basic formations are easily learned.
Scottish country dancing encourages teamwork and makes no gender distinction in its movements.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, Scottish Country dancing offers a chance to have fun, create memories, and experience the joy of dancing in a friendly atmosphere.

Scottish Country dancing offers an enjoyable experience that combines music, movement, and social interaction. It provides a lively and engaging way to connect with others and have fun while dancing to traditional Scottish tunes. The energetic movements, intricate footwork, and vibrant atmosphere make Scottish Country dancing a joyful and social activity for all ages.

“I don’t think many people know how much fun Scottish Country Dancing is “
“ It’s so energetic and fun, you can do it with anyone .”
“ People are so friendly and helpful, we have a really nice group of people in our class. I’m so glad I found it.”
“ The live music is fantastic. The Bay Area is blessed with so many wonderful musicians. They really lift our spirits. “
“ I wish I started dancing when I was younger .”
Benefits of Scottish Country Dancing

A study from the University of Strathclyde…
in 2010, showed Scottish Country Dancing to be superior to other forms of physical activity in building levels of fitness…

A Canadian study found …
The social component of Scottish Country Dancing develops a sense of community and an enjoyment factor, which encourages continued participation and, therefore, long term involvement in the physical activity . Also the social relationships that develop in those who take part in Scottish country dancing are linked to good health, and a positive attitude…

Events ThRoughout The YeaR
Asilomar Weekend Workshop
Late October or early November, Pacific Grove, CA
We Dance all over the Bay Area!
The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society San Francisco Branch organizes many fun dance parties and events throughout the year. From Monthly parties to the Valentine’s Ball, the Asilomar Weekend Workshop to the Bishops Ranch Weekend, most of our events are accompanied with exuberant live music.
Valentine’s Ball
February, Alameda
Beginnner’s Ball
June, Santa Rosa
Monthly Party
First Saturdays, various locations
Solstice Party
June & December, San Francisco
Jean Patrick Memorial Dance
September, Pleasanton
Berkeley Christmas Party
December, Berkeley
‘Tween Party
December, Danville
December, North & South Bay
We Dance all over the World!
The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society has 160 branches and more than 300 affiliated groups world wide. Each group organizes dance parties and events year round. We can travel across state, country and continents to attend Scottish country dance events and meet friendly people who enjoy dancing as much as we do. Many of us have become lifelong friends through Scottish country dancing which has enriched many lives around the world.

We Dance all over the Bay Area!
The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society San Francisco Branch organizes many fun dance parties and events throughout the year. From Monthly parties to the Valentine’s Ball, the Asilomar Weekend Workshop to the Bishops Ranch Weekend, most of our events are accompanied with exuberant live music.
The YeaR
Asilomar Weekend Workshop
October or November, Pacific Grove, CA
Valentine’s Ball
February, Alameda
Beginnner’s Ball
June, Santa Rosa
Monthly Party
First Saturday, at various locations
Solstice Party
June & December, San Francisco
Jean Patrick Memorial Dance
September, Pleasanton
Berkeley Christmas Party
December, Berkeley
‘Tween Party
December, Danville
December, North & South Bay

Join us, learn, and come to party
We Dance all over the World!
The Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society has 160 branches and more than 300 affiliated groups world wide. Each group organizes dance parties and events year round. We can travel across state, country and continents to attend Scottish country dance events and meet friendly people who enjoy dancing as much as we do. Many of us have become lifelong friends through Scottish country dancing which has enriched many lives around the world.
Join us for social Scottish country dancing.
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society San Francisco Branch offers classes for all ages and dancing abilities, including those who are just beginning, those who have danced for decades and everyone in between. Come join us, learn the dances and share the wonderful experience of Scottish country dancing!

What is Scottish Country Dancing?
Scottish country dancing is fun energetic social dancing in which sets of 3 to 4 couples trace interweaving patterns with and around each other. The dancing is accompanied by uplifting, rhythmic music that typically corresponds with the formations and phrasing of the dance.

Do I need a partner?
No! Scottish country dancing is an equal opportunity activity. It’s very sociable. Dancers are encouraged to invite a new partner for each dance. If you would like to dance with someone, just ask; others will certainly ask you. Man or woman, young or old, it doesn’t matter. Everyone can take part.

What should I wear?
For new dancers and for many social occasions, all you need is comfortable casual clothing and soft flexible shoes such as sneakers.

What happens at the classes?
In each class, you do several dances, building in variety and complexity week-by-week. Your group is taught by a trained and qualified teacher who will instruct you in the steps and formations commonly used in Scottish country dancing. They are great fun to learn in a relaxed, friendly and encouraging environment.

How much does it cost?
Fees vary from class to class, but typically, your first class is free. Ongoing fees range from $4 to $10. We accept cash or checks.

Is it suitable for Children?
Yes, it is full of patterns that encourage mathematical thinking. Many of the elements of the school curriculum, from health and well being through social skills and the expressive arts to a range of academic subjects such as Math, are supported by and can be developed through Scottish country dancing.

Do I have to be Scottish?
Not at all! Scottish country dancing is open to everyone. It is enjoyed the world over, from across Europe and North America to Australasia and Japan, wherever people love to dance. There are now as many people doing Scottish country dancing outside Scotland as in it.
Scottish country dancing branches around the world
To locate a Branch or Group near you please visit